"Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." -Albert Einstein

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Baby and Lots of Birds-Spring is Here!

This last week was a big week in our lives--we celebrated our halfway point of pregnancy (20 weeks!), and on Thursday of last week we had the big ultrasound! What a trippy--and incredible--experience that was! It felt so good to see our little baby and to hear that everything looks great. And we found out that Baby Sherburne is a girl! It was all extremely exciting. I've had mixed feelings about all of the technology and wondering if it is necessary; since we're going the "natural" route (at a birth center with a midwife), I have been reading all kinds of natural pregnancy books, which often talk down on the ultrasound and question its safety. But I have to say, I am so grateful to have had it. It was an unspeakable joy to see our child, moving around inside of me, all bundled up, and most importantly, healthy. Throughout my pregnancy so far, I have found myself wanting to be one of those women who trusts that everything is fine, doesn't worry, knows that her body is capable of carrying a child, feels a total connection to the baby from day one, and thus feels no need for any technological interventions. I, however, am not. I have worried a lot, wondered why I didn't feel the baby earlier, been scared that I hurt her when I woke up on my back (I really have to wonder if women have always known that they shouldn't sleep on their backs during pregnancy), etc., etc. Point being, it was an incredible relief to see the little girl and hear that things are going well, and I am very grateful that the ultrasound technology is available. And ever since the ultrasound I have worried a lot less. I now am thinking more and more about birth and getting to welcome her into our life! Her due date is coming on fast all of the sudden, the reality of having a child soon is setting in, and Ryan and I could not be more excited.

Here is our beautiful little girl!
The experience of being pregnant during the spring is so unique and beautiful. The smells, sounds, and sensations that indicate that spring has finally arrived feel so much more intense to me this year. I feel almost intoxicated when I step outside and hear a chorus of birds singing. Right now I can hear a robin calling out from the window behind me. It's just joyful, and there's really no other way to describe it. Sitting in our living room today we watched black-capped chickadees, a red-breasted nuthatch, house finches, and dark-eyed juncos feeding on the seed on our deck; flickers, mourning doves, robins, and a pair of Black-billed magpies foraging in our yard; and Canada geese honking loudly and flying in Vs overhead. We saw red-winged blackbirds at my parent's house (another iconic spring bird in this area), and watched a Cooper's hawk cruise casually over our heads as the sun was setting. We have been seeing killdeer at the river, as well as the stunning belted kingfisher and the regal great blue heron.  And today, we saw a flock of about five Mountain bluebirds! No sign of the Eastern bluebirds since the day after my last sighting, but I was thrilled to see the Mountain bluebirds have arrived. The waxy buds on the cottonwoods are slowly starting to swell, and surely the smell that goes along with their blossoming will arrive soon. The black hawthorns are revealing their deep red buds as well. Spring has truly arrived, and even in time for the equinox this year.

Here are some photos from the last week, starting with the Mountain bluebirds we saw today. Enjoy!

Such incredible color in contrast with the still-bare branches of the hawthorn!
The all-blue chest is unique to the Mountain bluebird.

A dark-eyed junco on our deck.
A female house finch.
A gorgeous great blue heron.
Diving for a fish! Patience pays off (for both me and the heron!).
After the dive--you can see the chest feathers puffed out.
O.K., not a bird, but our really adorable cat, Zeppie;)

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