"Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." -Albert Einstein

Friday, March 9, 2012


This morning when I took Eiger outside I was absolutely entranced by the amazing songs and calls of all of the recently-invigorated birds surrounding our home. I have been waking up every morning in recent weeks to the clear and beautiful song of the American Robin, and the delightful (non-native) house sparrow (by the way, make sure to listen to the audio on this link of the birds calls of specific species from the Montana Field Guide website--it's what makes this site). In the trees of the house next to ours were the equally sweet calls of house finches, and exploring every inch of the bark just above the finches was a male of one of the smaller woodpeckers, the downy. Across the street the loud and monotonous call of a flicker pulled my attention to the top of an extremely tall cottonwood where it was busily snacking in a well-established cavity. These are all lovely year-round birds that I love, but I'm chomping at the bit to see and hear more of the spring-returnees! I will be going to one of my favorite birding spots, Council Grove, this weekend to see what I can find. I am officially a full-fledged (pun intended) and whole-hearted lover of birds. Nothing brings forth the childlike wonder in me than hearing a familiar call and searching through the trees or bushes or stream side in search of the amazing creature making that call. I am so grateful to live somewhere where I can step outside and experience this kind of life. And I am SO happy it is turning to spring!

Along those lines, Ryan and I are leaning heavily toward staying in Lolo. This whole process of looking at beautiful apartments and condos in town has left me with a feeling that while it would be convenient and "nice," there would be a void in my heart without the closeness of nature we now enjoy. Being pregnant has definitely kicked me into nesting gear, and for a while I thought that meant that I want a nice, new home. Now I'm realizing it really means that I want a sense of security, somewhere I know I am going to feel at home, and a place that makes my heart feel full. We will fix up the trailer we're living in or move into another place close to where we live if something comes up. I am feeling a huge sense of relief at this realization. I am too bound to place to live in suburbia right now.

Enjoy this gorgeous day by getting outside and listening to the birdsong. I'd love to hear about birds that you have seen or heard lately since so many are starting to return to Montana, so please share!

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