"Our task must be to free ourselves... by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." -Albert Einstein

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Gorgeous Sunday

What a day it has been today--it was 60 degrees and there was barely a cloud in the sky all day. We spent the first part of the day looking at new places, which I have very mixed feelings about. I really, really don't want to leave this incredible spot, but I also want to live somewhere where I feel that it will be better, and safer, for a baby. The trailer we live in has been great for us, but it's really old and run down, not secure at all, it's really hard to keep the temperature in the house comfortable, and frankly we would just like a cleaner, well maintained place for the baby! But regardless of what we decide, a big part of my heart is here and it would be very hard to not have the Bitterroot right down the road from us. I'm so grateful that we've been able to live in this incredible location for the last year! I will keep everyone updated on what we decide, but whatever we decide, I won't stop coming to this beautiful place.

I spent the second half of the day walking and birding on the banks of the river. It's hard to even describe what a day like this can do for the psyche after a long, dark winter. I feel invigorated and excited about more days like this to come. The male chickadee are starting to sing their spring song (p.s., this site is great if you're interested in what different chickadee calls and songs mean!). But the persistent repetitive calls of the red-breasted nuthatch and white-breasted nuthatch echoed above the calls and songs of all the other vociferous birds. I have been seeing hairy woodpeckers almost every day now, and today was no exception--these three species were traveling together, as they do in the winter. A true sign from nature that spring isn't quite here. I've also been catching glimpses of one of my all time favorite birds, the belted kingfisher a lot lately. But he moves so quickly I can never catch a photo! One of these days I hope to share with all of you a lovely photo of this particular male.

Another female hairy woodpecker.

A noisy red-breasted nuthatch in mid-call.
After my lovely walk with Eiger we headed to my parent's house to say hello. I spent some time with the horses after a winter of a lot of negligence! They were happy to have my company.

Ali doesn't let her visitors get far from her, while Hope and Gimpy always keep a little bit of distance.
I know it will snow again, and I welcome the snow. But today was such a joy, and a reminder of how much easier a smile is to come by when the sun is shining. I will keep this day in my back pocket as a warm companion for the remainder of the cold days to come.

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