Lost, hungry, and lonely animals must have some kind of communication system through which they tell each other "Go to the Leach house at the end of the neighborhood!" Because somehow, they just keep coming. To my mom, every animal is too precious to turn away...which is why I love my mom so much (if only we could all have such big hearts)! I have been waiting for an opportunity to post photos of my mom's photogenic newest addition to the Leach household, Long Legs, and finally decided, why not just do a quick blog about him? He makes me happy, and I'm pretty sure these pictures will make you happy, too.
Long Legs is a very special, and definitely different sort of cat...he moves slowly, intentionally...he resembles a bobcat more than a house cat...but unlike a bobcat he is a complete baby about the cold...he runs, absolutely terrified, from cats half his size...instead of jumping he reaches his ridiculously long legs to his desired location and pulls himself up...and I've never known a cat who appreciates a rub on his belly more (which he gladly will present to you within seconds of meeting him). And of course, we made a different-sort-of-cat even more different by naming him "Long Legs"--but his legs are so long! The name just stuck. Really, maybe an unconventional, alliterated, and flowing name such as Long Legs is actually quite fitting for this lovely, and may I add lucky, feline.
The photos are all from the summer, as you can see, when Long Legs lived outside. Since winter came along he's been bouncing between outside (or should I say curled in a ball on the railing by the door?), my mom's office, and my old room. The other cats have become aware of his sensitive nature and love the thrill of seeing what they are sure is a bobcat run from them, so unfortunately he is limited to bedrooms. But Long Legs doesn't seem to mind the isolation one bit--I think he's just grateful for the visitors and the warmth of a home. In all of my experience with rescued animals, I am convinced that they feel gratitude, or something very close to what we know as gratitude. Long Legs embodies this. But enough blabbing already--enjoy the photos!
Isn't he handsome? |
Just chillin... |
Contemplating the famous Long Legs "pull up" |
Slowly but surely... |
Almost there... |
Success! |
Making his way to the purpose of his ascent--a hand he knows will pet him:) |
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