What I believe about becoming a part of a place is that you must listen to it deeply, know it well, visit it often, and immerse yourself in that place until you know its other inhabitants--humans, animals, trees, and rocks alike--in a way that makes it difficult to discern them from your Self. Just like you sometimes feel with a good friend, a lover, or a family member. Self, with a capital -S, because it's that Self that is Beauty, that is Nature, that is bigger than our inevitably impermanent image of our self (little -s), that is Everything. It deserves a capital letter. And also, I love to capitalize things that mean something to me, so get used to it. I realize I'm getting pretty deep pretty fast. But stick with me. I'm new to this and am anxious to find my voice.
I'm not here to preach, but I am here to share my own perspective of remaining tied of nature in a time when so many of us feel estranged from, or even fearful of, that which is wild. I hope that my experiences, on a little pond in Lolo and on adventures around my homeland, will inspire others to have their own forays into nature and touch what is Real. My yoga practice, studentship, study, and teaching, will inevitably make it's way into this blog as well (I find it deeply connected to my experiences in nature). So will my experiences working with teens as a youth worker and after school program coordinator at Hellgate High School in Missoula (I find it deeply connected to my growth). And of course, what is a good blog without good photographs or art? I will share images that inspire me. And I will challenge myself to be creative in this space and outside of it. So enjoy, check in often, and share your own experiences and thoughts. I look forward to it!
A few of the happy inhabitants of Lolo Pond--painted turtles.
I'm so excited that you're doing this! It makes me feel closer to you and Lolo and the place that matters most to me: Montana. It also makes me wish that you were in the Wilderness Writing class that I'm teaching right now :) Go read some Stegner!